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As leaders, managers or admins (or even as members, depending on the app configuration), we can define a very useful action within BonusBank: set a target.
It consists of an option available through the app's floating button (via the "Set a Target" button) that allows us to define a target for our employees, as well as for ourselves.

What is a Target and why do we use it

Essentially we could say that a target is an individual challenge.

The challenge is to get a certain number of Tokens (a Token itself or a category). The way in which the target is defined is by taking as a reference the score of each person, linked to a certain token or category. In other words, depending on the Tokens accumulated, the score will increase or decrease and the objective will be to reach a certain score in a given time. In addition, the employee will be able to see the average score of his team.

So a target is associated with receiving a certain number of Tokens within a certain period (with a possible periodicity) by a group of employees of the company (or all).

Now that we know how it works, the question is why Targets exist. Every company has their reasons, but if we had to name three reasons, they would be:

  • Encourage and promote the sending of Tokens. Initially it is important to motivate the teams to send each other Tokens, to start using the app and to create an environment of constant feedback.
  • Improve skills. Tokens linked to soft skills are generally associated with skills that team members can improve. So they get such Tokens when they try their best and show that they have the skill. So reception implies an improvement in the required skills. By defining a Target, you challenge them to work on the skills and reach the target number of Tokens for that skill.
  • Team spirit. It is good to improve individually, but on a collective level it is just as important. The Targets ensure that all professionals within a team could have a common target to strive for, talk about and contribute to.

And you? What benefits do you see in the Targets?

How can I define a Target?

Now, we explain graphically and intuitively how you can define a Target within BonusBank.

The way to access this option is through the side menu of the app or via the floating button and choosing the "Set a target" option. In the first case, we must select the "Targets" option, which will take us to the list of all active or inactive Targets linked to our account. At the top right, we will have a "+" button that will allow us to define a new Target. By following either of these two paths, we will arrive at the target creation screen, structured in 3 steps.


Once you have defined a Target, it will appear on the screen on the right where you can see its title, the details of the participant, the days left to achieve it and its progress (initial score, current score and target score). You can consult more information such as the Plan linked to the target or the full description.

Back to the creation process: you selected the "+" and automatically go to a screen in which we have to fill in a series of fields. Below you see a real case where you can see what information you can fill in in each field to define the Target:


First, we must define who is going to get the Target (ourselves or an employee, if we are leaders). Next, we decide what we want to measure: a category (skill) or a Token (behaviour). After completing these basic fields, it is time to add the details:


As can be seen, the next field you need to indicate what score is the target (being between the current score that you/the employee have/has and the maximum, 5). After that, is time to assign a title and give a clear description of the Target so that everyone can understand what is consists of.

In the case of Example shown, the competence "Productivity" has been selected, as well as a score of 4.5 to be achieved.

To finish defining the Target, it is necessary to choose the start date and end date, so we can inform ourselves or the employee when the Target should be reached.

Finally, we can decide if we want this Target to be public or not (so everyone will se it in the public section of the app) and if it belongs to a Recognition Plan that we have alredy create it and that we want to link.